Bare Root Roses

Bare root roses are roses in their dormant state, delivered without foliage or soil. Light and easy to handle, bare root roses are great for mass planting, and once planted, will put on some growth and pr... Read more

Bare root roses are roses in their dormant state, delivered without foliage or soil. Light and easy to handle, bare root roses are great for mass planting, and once planted, will put on some growth and produce some flowers in their first summer. They can be ordered all year round for delivery between January and May, depending on your location. Read less

Showing 157 results
Olivia Rose Austin®
Princess Anne
Roald Dahl
The Poet's Wife
Thomas à Becket®
Scepter'd Isle™
Darcey Bussell
Carding Mill®
Tess of the d’Urbervilles®
The Wedgwood Rose
Ambridge Rose
Jude the Obscure®
Crocus Rose
The Mill on the Floss
Munstead Wood
Lady Emma Hamilton
Royal Jubilee
Port Sunlight
Snow Goose®