Poor Soil

The roses listed here are suitable for growing in poor soil. They are all particularly strong, robust varieties. The Old Roses are great survivors, and are, unsurprisingly, extremely tough and hardy, part... Read more

The roses listed here are suitable for growing in poor soil. They are all particularly strong, robust varieties. The Old Roses are great survivors, and are, unsurprisingly, extremely tough and hardy, particularly the Gallicas, which will even grow in poor gravelly soil if required. The Rugosas are another group of roses that will grow in soil that other roses might be unable to thrive in. Some of David Austin’s English Roses and few of the Floribundas are also suitable for growing in poor soils. Read less

Showing 17 results
Eustacia Vye
Silas Marner
Emily Brontë
Princess Anne
Claire Austin
Malvern Hills®
Olivia Rose Austin®
The Country Parson™
Roald Dahl
The Lark Ascending®
Susan Williams-Ellis
Mary Delany®
The Mayflower®
Kew Gardens
Scarborough Fair
Olivia Rose Austin®