Yellow Colour Schemes
Yellow roses are uplifting and illuminating. Balance with grey or silver-toned foliage for a rejuvenating combination or go bright and combine with another vibrant tone. Plant positively with a yellow rose like Vanessa Bell® combined with Rudbeckia fulgida, Artemisia, lavender or curry plant. Select a golden yellow like Golden Celebration® or Molineux® for a warmer, richer feel.
Rosa 'Vanessa Bell' and Rudbeckia fulgidavanessa bell®
Rosa 'Vanessa Bell' and Verbena bonariensisVanessa Bell®
Rosa 'Golden Celebration' and lavenderGolden Celebration®
Rosa 'Molineux' and ornamental grassMolineux®
Rosa 'Nye Bevan'Nye Bevan®
Rosa 'Charles Darwin'Charles Darwin®
The Pilgrim®
A variety with particularly beautiful blooms, The Pilgrim®'s buds open to reveal many petalled cups, which gradually form large, flat rosettes. The colour is a very attractive shade of soft yellow, the petals paling prettily towards the edges.

The Pilgrim® (Auswalker)