Susan Williams-Ellis white English Shrub Rose in a mixed border
Susan Williams-Ellis white English Shrub Rose in a mixed border


Susan Williams-Ellis

English Shrub Rose Bred By David Austin

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At a glance...

Colour: White

Flowering: Repeat

Fragrance: Medium-Strong, Old Rose

Size: Medium shrub (3 1/2ft by 3ft)

Bloom size: Medium

Breeder: David Austin, 2010

  • Classic fragrance which is perfectly Old Rose in character.
  • Extremely winter hardy, with upright, bushy, twiggy growth.
  • A shade tolerant rose needing only a few hours of sunlight a day.
  • As far as we are currently aware, this rose is completely free from disease.

How to use

Susan Williams-Ellis

This rose will work well in a mixed border. Use varying silver and green tones of foliage to accompany her pointed white blooms for a tranquil look. Alternatively, plant her in a pot for a lovely centre-piece.



Susan Williams-Ellis was the renowned designer and founder behind the iconic British brand Portmeirion Pottery.

Known for it's British style, many of the designs are inspired by nature with a number of pieces featuring roses including the English Rose Scarborough Fair.

Portmeirion POTTERY

Portmeirion was founded in 1960 in Stoke-on-Trent, UK by Susan Williams-Ellis. Portmeirion was named after Portmeirion Village in North Wales, UK, which was created by Susan's father Clough Williams-Ellis in an Italianate style. It was here she first began selling pottery with her husband Euan Cooper-Willis.

As Portmeirion celebrates its 60th year, it is still as iconic today as it was at the beginning.

visit the Portmeirion website

botanic garden: a floral break from tradition

Botanic Garden was the first range produced by Portmeirion. It was considered highly innovative at the time as it featured a variety of floral patterns across the different pieces of pottery. Up until this point items in a tableware setting had always matched.

british contemporaries

Much like David Austin Snr., Susan Williams-Ellis transformed her industry and her work still inspires that industry today. 

Contemporaries at the front of innovative design, with influential businesses in The Midlands, UK, the founders shared many similarities including a love for flowers and a passion for design which was both beautiful and functional, whilst being undeniably British.

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