Bare root standard tree roses are best planted between January and May, depending on your zone. This gives them time to establish ready to bloom come summer. The only time we recommend that you don't plant is when the ground is frozen, waterlogged or in drought conditions.

you will need

  • Large bucket of water
  • A mix of well-rotted farmyard manure & good quality multi-purpose compost
  • Mycorrhizal Fungi
  • Wooden stake - 5ft long & 2" diameter
  • Tree tie
  • Clout Nail
  • Hammer or mallet

  • How TO plant a bare root STANDARD tree ROSE

    Step 1.

    Rehydrate the roots of your standard tree rose in a bucket of water for a minimum of 2 hours prior to planting.

    Step 2.

    Dig a hole measuring 2ft wide by 16" deep, removing any weeds or large stones as necessary.

    Step 3

    Break up the soil at the base of the hole with a fork and mix a spadeful of well-rotted farmyard manure (at least 2 years old).

    Step 4.

    Remove the rose from the bucket of water and whilst holding the trunk of the tree in one hand, sprinkle the roots with Mycorrhizal Fungi.

    Step 5.

    Place the rose upright in the centre of the hole. The stems should be 2" below the top of the hole - use a bamboo cane to help to identify the level of the top of the hole.

    Step 6.

    Position the stake around 4" from the rose stem and drive it down into the ground by 8" below the bottom of the hole, avoiding the root structure. This should leave the stake 3ft  above ground level. Ideally, the top of the stake should be level with the point at which the trunk of the tree splits into branches. The height of the stake supplied is designed to allow for 3-5 years of growth.

    Step 7.

    Backfill around the rose using the soil that was originally dug to make the hole - mixing in two more spadefuls of well rotted manure. Then, lightly firm the soil around the rose with your foot.

    Step 8.

    Using the tree ties, attach the standard tree rose stem to the top of the stake.

    Step 9.

    Water the rose well.

    WATERING: Standard tree roses in pots will require more frequent watering than standard tree roses planted in the ground.

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